Guild Guidelines

Guild guidelines are created to supplement the guild's rules. Below is an unofficial translation of the guild rules regarding the guidelines:


§45 Guidelines

Guidelines supplementary to these Rules may provide for more detailed regulations on the activities of the board, on committees and their duties, and on other matters deemed important for the functioning of the Association. Amendments to the Guild guidelines or a new set of guidelines may be made if a motion to that effect is passed at a Guild meeting by a majority of at least three-fourths (3/4) of the votes cast. A proposal to amend the Guild's guidelines or to propose new guidelines may be made in writing by the board, one-tenth (1/10) of the Guild's full members or ten (10) full members to the board, which must then bring the proposal to the next Guild meeting for a decision. The proposal to amend or propose new guidelines must be mentioned in the invitation to the meeting.


Prodeko Code of Conduct: Read English version here!
Prodeko Safer Space Policy: Scroll down for English!