Guild Decrees

Decrees are set by the board and are valid until further notice. Note: the official wording of the decrees is in Finnish, below you will find unofficial translations. Currently, the guild has four decrees:

I Queue decree

II Moderating decree

III Decree on the guild's bank card

IV Brand decree


I Queue decree


The queue decree defines how the queuing policy for registration for guild events works. This guideline is valid until further notice from 13.1.2017.

1 Form of the queue list

The following basic information will be written at the top of the list:

- the event for which you are queuing

- the time when the queue list is created

- the call times for the list, remember to leave enough space

Below this, the details of the queue holders are entered. For each person on the queue, you must indicate

- queue position

- name

- year class

The queue position is determined according to the order in which they join the queue (the first person to join the queue is ranked number one). Removing a name from the list does not change the position of the other queue holders, but the queue holder retains the position they had at the beginning. The list will be displayed in a prominent place in the guild room (e.g. on a notice board or on a cleared table). In the case of two lists, the first one to start is the official list, provided that it was displayed in a visible place in the guild room.

2. Queuing area

No queuing area is specified, but queuers must be present in the guild room at the time the list is called. During the time between calls, queueers may be wherever they wish. Sleeping at night is not allowed in the guild room, but no one will forbid queuing at night if the queue holder has a pass to the guild room.

3. Updating (calling) the list

Anyone on the list may call through the list, provided that at least half an hour has elapsed since both the last shouting and the establishment of the list. The list is called out by calling out the names in order. If a queue member is not present, they will lose their place and the name will be neatly crossed off the list. The person in the queue is therefore considered to have left their place in the queue. Exceptions to this rule are those persons who, by virtue of their duties, are required to organise events or represent the Guild. It is also allowed to leave the queue for an exam. In this case, these queuing persons do not lose their place in the queue during the organisation of the event or the examination. In such cases, the organiser of the event and other queue holders (if possible) must be informed at least 24 hours before the leaving the queue. Any doubtful cases will be submitted to the decision of the guild board. The organiser of the event (for which the queue is being taken) may also suspend the queue for the duration of the guild event. The person queuing can only add their name to the list and cannot queue for events on behalf of anyone other than themselves. If a companion can be brought to the event, the companion will also be added to the waiting list by adding +avec to their own name after their own name.

4. Determination of a guild members queue quota

When a student starts their studies in the Aalto University's IEM degree programme, their queue quota for enrolment in events is determined according to the degree level as follows: the quota for a student starting a Bachelor's degree is I and the waiting period for a student starting a Master's degree is IV.  At the start of studies, a new student is granted a one-off right to change their quota year.

There are five queue year class quotas in the following order: I, II, III, IV and N. Each time the academic year changes, the queue year moves up one in order, e.g. I -> II, II -> III, etc. In this way, for example, during a period of military service in the middle of studies, a student's waiting year will also increase. However, when a student reaches a queue year N, their queue year will no longer increase as the academic year changes, but will remain N.

If a student who, for example, has other studies from another programme or institution, wishes to be treated as a student from another year class, they should send a short, free-form request to the Board meeting, stating their name, current year class used in quotas, programme, wanted quota year and the reasons for the change. As mentioned above, a request to change the quota year can only be made once. After requesting a change to a quota year, the student will still be able to participate in the events of their original year course, provided that there is no limit on the number of participants in those events. The quota year course for students studying in other degree programmes and for members of Prodeko who are not members of AYY is calculated from the start date of Prodeko membership (current academic year) according to the above-mentioned principles for determining the quota year. The list of exceptional year courses is managed by the Minister of Media & IT.

5. Use of the Ilmokilke

Ilmokilke is filled in in the order of the queue list. If you can bring a companion to the event, you can add this person after your name on the registration form. Registration must be kept open for at least 24 hours. Ilmokilke can only be set open on the computer in the guild room for the first three (3) hours of the registration period. During this period, each entrant may only enter their name (and, if possible, the name of their companion). After the first three hours, registration will be open to everyone on the Internet. If there are year quotas on the ilmokilke, the quota for your year will be filled first, followed by the open places. If both the places for your own year group and the open places are full, you can register for a reserve place on the waiting list. In the queue, the cancelled places will be filled by giving priority to the person in the same year as the one who cancelled (in order of enrolment). The places will then be filled in the order of enrolment. Cancelled vacancies will be filled by alternates in the order of enrolment. In the event that a participant has to cancel their registration after the closing date, it is the responsibility of the participant to find a replacement in accordance with the above procedure. The organiser of the event is responsible for making the entry form and, in the event of a technical problem, for making a replacement entry. In the event of any doubt regarding the registration and the use of the ilmokilke, the decision will be left to the guild board.



II. Moderation Decree


Board moderation policy:

For the time being, messages will be allowed through to the various mailing lists on the basis of the following rules:


- Communications from board members

- Board and guild meeting communications.

- matters concerning all members of the guild

- study coordinators announcements etc.

Year classlists:

- internal events of the yearly class(es)

- internal discussion within the year class(es)

- Targeted communications

- Targeted recruitment events

- housewarmings, birthdays, other private parties  



III Decree on the guild's bank card

(Not yet translated. You can contact the board if you want to know more. The decree can be found by switching the language of this site of Finnish)


IV Branding decree

(Not yet translated. You can contact the board if you want to know more. The decree can be found by switching the language of this site of Finnish)