Council Meeting Warsaw, autumn 2018
What is ESTIEM?
ESTIEM (European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management) is a 1990 founded organization and network of the European students of Industrial Engineering and Management. ESTIEM consists of 29 countries and 75 Local Groups which organize not only local events but also European-wide events. They also represent the organization in their own Universities. The goal of ESTIEM is to create and maintain relations and network between European IEM students and remind us that our student community reaches outside of Finland. Therefore Prodeko is part of a wider international community in which it represents Local Group Helsinki.
Internationality is obtaining more and more interest and there is a need for a multicultural community that brings together students from different countries. In ESTIEM this co-operations is performed as organizing events and attending to them. ESTIEM organizes many different events and the content of the event differs by balancing differently with academic, fun having and cultural parts. More detailed information about the different event types and applying for the events can be found from the sections EVENTS and APPLYING FOR EVENTS.
Why go to an event? What opportunities it has to offer to me?
There is so many different type of ESTIEM events that there is certainly something for everyone’s interest! You only have to find out which one is the most interesting for you and apply for it: ready, get set… go! Down below is few good reasons why everyone should jump on a plane and go find out what is the wider meaning of Industrial Engineering and Management.
LG= Local Group
LG Helsinki = Prodeko & Athene
LR = Local Responsible (ESTIEM responsible in Prodeko)
ESTIEMer = European IEM student that actively attends to ESTIEM events